Female, DSH Tabby, DOB 06/02/2015
Meeeooowww!! I’m a mature little lady, searching for another chance at happiness. You see, I did have a rather nice home once but I had to share it with a little human and I’m really not that fond of them. I gave them the ultimatum, it was them or me but it was me that had to pack her bags and leave! How rude, I thought!! I’ve now found myself temporary accommodation at APS but I have to share the human attention with lots of other felines when really I should be the centre of attention! I can deal with it though, I’m sure it won’t be long before I captivate a new human with my exceptional good looks and charm! I’d like a home with no little people please, I can express my dislike quite easily so beware! If you do happen to have other dogs or cats, please introduce us slowly or purrhaps I can be your special princess and have you all to myself, how lovely! Be sure to visit me at APS today, this ‘lil lady won’t be hanging around here too long!